Saturday, March 1, 2008

Peace Nihorimbere is the leader of Women of Global Action for Central Africa


Peace Nihorimbere is the leader of Women of Global Action for Central Africa.  She is from Burundiand a survivor of three genocides in her country, which coincided with the genocide in Rwanda.  Her brother was killed in the genocide in Burundi in 1972.  Peace and her sisters, who were at boarding school, had to hide each night to escape attacks.  In 1993 Peace and her three children fled Burundi, lived with her sister in Switzerland and then settled in Canada. Eleven years later, God called Peace to return to Burundi to help rebuild her country.  She directs ministry to women and children, particularly widows, sharing the gospel and love of Jesus, coordinating micro-enterprise projects to provide women with a means to support their families, as well as coordinating ministry throughoutCentral Africa. Peace is an incredible example of God’s faithfulness and grace and is allowing herself to be His instrument to touch hundreds of lives in this region and beyond.

1 comment:

Court said...

Very catchy blog name, Mom & Dad :)